The Night Before School
A Poem by Tara Hofherr, Kingsley's Associate Head of School
Based on The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore
'Twas the night before school and all through the Community Space, not a teacher was stirring, not even Mr. Race. The materials were placed on the shelves with great care, in the hopes that students soon would be there.
The teachers were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Class Charters danced in their heads. And I in my office and you on your rug, had just settled in from 22 parent hugs.
When out on Fairfield, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter. Away to the windows I flew like a flash. Tore open the blinds and threw up the sash.
The moon on the crest of the new-fallen leaves gave a luster of midday to objects we see. When what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a line of SUVs brimming with supplies and good cheer.
With a furry kind driver, so eager, just tryin’. I knew in a moment it must be our Lion! More rapid than toddlers, his course they all came and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
“Now, Papers! Now, Pencils! Now, Bead Frames and Book! On, Chromebooks! On, Alphabets! On each Peace Corner Nook! All the way up to Comm 4, to the Upper El hall, now dash away! Dash away! Dash away, all!”
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the classrooms, the teachers did go. With bags full of lesson plans and cups full of joe!
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the street. The skipping and running of all of the feet. As I opened the doors and was turning around, into the buildings came the children abound.
Many dressed in some red, for the sake of school pride. There were smiles and laughter, though some littles cried. A small plant and a nap mat they’d flung on their backs. And they looked like great students just opening their packs.
Their eyes—how they twinkled! Their dimples, how merry! Their cheeks were like roses, their noses like cherries. Their sweet little mouths were drawn up like a bow and their hair from the sun was as white as the snow.
They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work. And started to learn without one little smirk. And Kim, Claire and Katia came by for reports. While Julie was on deck for all the support.
Steve and Tara looked on and their team gave a whistle. And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But you’ll hear us exclaim as we step out of sight, “Happy Back to School to all, and to all a good night!”